Hugh Goulbourne co-hosts workshop to kick off new anti-racism project in Kirklees

I was delighted to join and speak on behalf of Kirklees Diversity = Innovation Network at our Race Equality Week workshop yesterday in Dewsbury – enabling a mix of local organisations sharing challenges, insights and advice on how to address micro-aggressions and support colleagues through effective allyship.

The main message from all speakers was that changing the culture of any organisation to create a space where everyone feels free to express themselves and everyone is seen, heard, valued and respected is a ‘marathon not a sprint’. In this spirit of continuous improvement, we all agreed to go away and try to complete the Race Equality Matters 5-day challenge

I look forward to the next workshop, when our group will get together to review progress on these very important challenges.

Thanks to our co-hosts Kirklees Change Grow Live, co-organisers Kirklees Ethnically Diverse Communities Network, Kirklees Council BAME Network and speakers Palvinder Singh Charles Dacres Paul Cummins